Chiang Mai Night Safari Prepare to open for service in New Normal style.

Posted Friday June 26th, 2020 | update : Friday June 26th, 2020

At 17:00 on June 26, 2020, the Office of Ping Nakorn Development (Public Organization) by Chiang Mai Night Safari Office Was honored by Mr Dhevan Liptapanlop, Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office Visit the area to check the readiness before the service is opened by Mr. Benjaphon Nakprasert, Executive Director of Pingkan Nakorn Development To perform the duties of the director of the Ping Nakorn Development Office With the management team To welcome Which the opening of this service will be the opening of a new way of tourism Travel safely in New Normal on July 1.

Mr Thewan Liptapanlop, Minister to the Office of the Prime Minister, revealed that the opening of the Chiang Mai Night Safari this time It is a service offering in the form of tourism that creates confidence and safety in the style of New Normal, according to the project to upgrade the Thai tourism industry, hygiene standards or Amazing Thailand Safety & Health Administration (SHA) and to build confidence and confidence to With tourists Or users After the Covid-19 situation was at a safe level Chiang Mai Night Safari has set guidelines for coping with disease prevention. Both the hygiene of the building Appliances that are in the building. Arrangement of cleaning equipment to prevent the spread of germs Including prevention and screening for staff, workers and tourists Which will be able to build trust among users as well

By opening the service of Chiang Mai Night Safari this time Comes with a special promotion Give happiness to tourists to visit Free of charge From 1 – 15 July 2020 and 50% discount promotion on 16 – 31 July 2020. Visitors who have to visit must register to book a visit in advance through From June 27, 2020 onwards. The admission cycle is divided into 3 sessions, which are between 13.00 – 16.00 hrs., Time 16.00 – 19.00 hrs. And 19.00 – 22.00 hrs. With a limit of 300 tourists per round. The activities that will be available in July 2020 include activities such as animal carriages, walking through the Jaguar Trail and the Safari Dancing Show (no feeding) and in the month August onwards Will add Tiger Show and Night Predator activities for full sightseeing. But continue to refrain from feeding animals continuously

For tourists who will visit during this time. Please be ready Wear a mask every time Spacing between at least 1 meter between the person and talking with family members. To prepare to travel in a new way, fun and safe for the whole family For more information, please contact Chiang Mai Night Safari, Tel. 053 – 999000 or Line @: nightsafari, Facebook: Chiang Mai Night Safari, Chiang Mai Night Safari

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