Jaguar Trail Reopening

Posted Thursday October 21st, 2021 | update : Thursday October 21st, 2021

Take a walk around the lake  1.2 kilometers. See animals in the midst of green nature. more than 57 species of wildlife in nature that should not be missed. Find 8 species of tiger animals, rare species such as caracal, jaguar, serval, star cat, panther, fish tiger, fire tiger, and clouded leopard for tourists to get to know them up close. (No additional cost)

special ! Throughout October, 50% discount for all tourists, opening time 12.00 p.m.- 9.00 p.m.

Add time to visit!!! Only on 21 – 24 October 2021, opening hours 10.00 a.m.- 10 .00 p.m.



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